Ordo ab ruddy chao!

"All fine, people will stand up to tyranny." WILL THEY?

Anon: "I think that post WW2, in the G7 nations, there's been a kind of understanding between the electorate and the elected officials. We'll tolerate being governed by them, provided they keep sending us our cheques. That paradigm isn't going to last for very much longer."
Here I disagree.
Confronted with the prospect of starvation, or even just of poverty, people will fall into line for the Universal Basic Income and, at that stage, our liberty is lost, our slavery total. Not for long thereafter will be talk of "cashless", of "travel restrictions", of "vaccine refusal". You will comply, or you will die.
We do not have much more time for sharing opinions here on these meme-infested luxury spouting grounds: we unite - all our groups, pride set aside, redundant political views discarded, religion irrelevant, prejudices spent by circumstance - or anyone remotely intelligent who is kind will wonder if this is a life worth living.
We do not have until 2030 (the WEF's stated target for global communism). I wonder if we have even a year before it is too late to reverse what surely should be clear now is an extreme trajectory where, for instance, we might expect global fiscal collapse on almost any day.
Can we unite? Honestly, I don't see it happening. Too many zombies, too many shallow thinkers, too much time-wasting, too many community leaders who aren't leading and for all I know who may well have been bought, or that think they have been personally future-proofed whether true or likely not.
Only with a remarkable turnaround can we stop the WEF, this fascism that has consumed the last century and that was never remotely beaten in 1945, from consuming us. There is no chance of Truth succeeding while "a few good men" chat amongst themselves, intellectually masturbating.
Humanity is caught in the headlights. Easy prey.
I hope I am wrong.
Still, I recommend that people talk. Earnestly and convincingly.
Refuse to comply today, we will not have that luxury forever.
Anon: "I'm of the view that there are competing factions at the top of the power structure, as to what exactly is going to replace the US Dollar as world reserve currency. I think this is a much more complex issue than the Powers That Shouldn't Be had anticipated. Don't forget, all of this also has to be implemented in secret. The fact they can't be honest with us is a real issue for the Globalists."
In other words, you are willing to take a gamble.
With this globalist machine, happy to kill its own, let alone the plebs, that is a very dangerous strategy.
Anon: "The furlough payments made during Covid are only one step removed from UBI."
Trials - or moreso conditioning? - aside, we are not at UBI stage yet. UBI kicks in when mortgages cannot be paid, en masse, and the state - then UN-led in a (contrived) global crisis - offers the bribe for people to retain their home, a deal that according to Agenda 2030 and according to the GR's 'commandments' will itself be a lie... and that withdrawal of what is considered personal property and freedom of location will take longer, that is what we can expect to take until 2030.
(My estimation anyhow.)


One last point. COVID (and NATO's war in Ukraine) has met its objective, any further damage is a bonus from the globalist perspective.

The economy as we know it is over, and the above scenario is in motion and, as I say, arguably unstoppable.

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