Ordo ab ruddy chao!


Talk about taking the cake, I never saw such a neon-lit "pile of piffle" from any PM before last night.

Last time I saw anything so extraordinarily deceitful was when BoJo's now-quax advisor (how telling) Tony Blair tried and succeeded to justify war with Iraq in the Commons, the genocidal maniac's fear porn based on the the infamous "sexed-up dossier", a student-written, hypothetical PHD dissertation as sourced by Ali Campbell who of course never ended up in a Hague dungeon either, and based of course on the lies from Rupert Murdoch's stable of propaganda, not least of all The Sun's "45 Minutes From Doom" nonsense.
(...Murdoch these days owns TalkRadio whose fake 'conservative' hacks, no surprise, never talk about the Great Reset reality behind this ultimate dystopian scam, instead assisting with the climate of confusion. And, evidenced by those desperate shilling-shorts lapping up the cynical distraction of reality avoidance, those Pied Pipers together with the wider msm fraternity play the room brilliantly: the propaganda is leagues ahead of the truth.)
And these people - the establishment court - dare to call critical thinkers "nutters", while taking or assisting an axe to the economy based on the "science" of conjecture that has been proven laughable, wrong and downright dangerous if not murderous for this entire medical chapter.
I am guessing the UK, at least, is at the crux. The large currently compliant chunk of the population that cannot so easily be bamboozled, brain-washed, conditioned, rendered moronic - as opposed to the weakest-minded that succumbed to the fear of the very first sneeze - will either wake up to the illogical claptrap being used to upturn (or end) their lives, this week, else it's hard to see what brazen bullshit could ever stir them from their stupor of head-sand self-preservation.
Anyhow, another first for pushing the bounds of reality. BoJo last night: historic shite on toast. Most remarkable. But, assisted by the globalls media, most likely to work. I think the truth is in check.
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