Ordo ab ruddy chao!

CIA: Yup, 9/11 was an Inside Job

[Ed: I wrote this some 10 or so years ago having interviewed Ms Lindauer. It remains relevant to this day.]

A former CIA anti-terrorism asset has gone on record saying 9/11 was an inside job planned from the Oval Office.

The CIA’s Susan Lindauer directly implicates President George W. Bush, Vice-President Dick Cheney, Secretary of Defense Donald Rumsfeld and Attorney-General John Ashcroft, among others, in a treasonous “false flag” conspiracy geared to paving the way for war.

“It’s not like [top US officials] just spontaneously wired the World Trade Center [with thermite explosives]. They knew [a terrorist attack] was coming and they wanted to ensure there was maximum damage when it hit. They knew they were gonna use the airplanes as cover to demolish the buildings. [...] The hijackers got a lot of help.”

The implication is that it is through the context of the later war with Iraq that the troubled tangle of 9/11 misinformation may best be unpicked. Currently deciding the outcome of the UK-based Iraq Enquiry, also known as the Chilcott Enquiry, it will be interesting to see if Sir John Chilcott agrees.

The motivation for 9/11: “War with Iraq”

“The agenda was that when this attack happened they were going to war with Iraq.”

In the run-up to the attacks, at a time when the US and UK were officially condemning Iraq for stalling weapons inspections, Lindauer was the CIA’s Iraq mediator. As such, she says, “all dialogue went through me.”

“The Iraqis were not resistant to weapons inspections” and the CIA had a “comprehensive agenda to resolve the conflict without war,” she informs. As an aside, chief weapons inspector Dr David Kelley evidently agreed, querying claims in the so-called ‘sexed-up dossier’ that was used by PM Tony Blair as the UK’s legal basis for war with the oil state. We know now that not a single claim in the report, partially written by Blair, was accurate. Dr Kelley died under mysterious circumstances a few months after the report’s publication. An inquiry into his death gave a verdict of suicide whilst ruling that related documents be classified for 70 years.

Far from stockpiling WMDs, according to Lindauer, Saddam wanted to regain his friendship with the US. Ironically perhaps, “Saddam had been one of our best sources on terrorism”, says Lindauer, adding that he even invited the FBI to Iraq to assist the weapons investigation and offered a score of commercial incentives to the US, not least of all to purchase 10,000,000 US-made cars. At a time of economic depression, it can only be imagined how that would have assisted the US and other economies.

It would be unsurprising that Iraq was desperate. If President Bush Snr’s Iraqi mêlée was half-cocked, the sanctions imposed thereafter had been more successful at reducing the country to a pulp. For instance, according to the UN, up until 2001, 500,000 children had died. Lindauer pits the true figure at 1,000,000 child deaths, a “mass genocide”.

But now, in 2001 and with Iraq in a corner, Lindauer says, the US still wasn’t satisfied with Saddam’s last ditch concessions for peace. US attitudes suddenly changed, she says, claiming that her CIA ‘handler’ Dr Richard Fuisz told her to drop her conciliatory tone and to tell her Iraqi counterpart that any attack on the US would be pinned on Iraq.

The Bush Administration: “No Plausible Deniability”

Lindauer goes on to explain the trigger to war, prefaced with the terrible claim that “the CIA has a long track record of doing false flag operations.”

A false flag is where a government allows a foreign attack, or even assists it, whereby they can use the outrage to prime their people to a fight. The list of false flag candidates runs as long as your arm but perhaps the best known example is the Gulf of Tonkin incident which led to the megadeath at Vietnam.

And 9/11? Was that all smoke and mirrors? For most of us, a treasonable act is excruciatingly hard to believe.

“[The CIA] had known about the terrorist attack for months,” she says, adding that they expected, specifically, a hijacked plane attempt on the World Trade Center and that, by September, the wider intelligence community was being actively prepped to expect the hijackings imminently.

Let’s just repeat that. In the August and September,

“[The CIA] expected, specifically, a hijacked plane attempt on the World Trade Center [...] imminently.”

She claims that a colleague observed suspect vans at the WTC complex each night over a ten day period in the run-up to 9/11, arriving at about 3am and leaving at about 5. The President’s brother Marvin, incidentally, was on the Board of Directors for Securacom, the company entrusted with WTC security at the time of the attack. It remains unclear whether he has ever been questioned by any agency or the eventual 9/11 Commission. As a further aside, the President chose the Commission’s members along with Congress but he and Cheney, called to give testimony, refused and instead spoke unofficially to Commission members. Their evidence has never been transcribed.

Lindauer does claim clarity on one key point though, and that is that the White House had no “plausible deniability” over the CIA’s knowledge. She, herself, she says, warned Attorney-General John Ashcroft’s Office of Counter-Terrorism about the expected attack. She says she later heard that he had nonchalantly shrugged off the CIA’s concern.

Coming to the fateful day itself, the CIA asset explains that there were effectively two attacks, not one, the first being from abroad and the second from within.

Attack #1: The Cavemen

Essentially, the official line is that a few Kalashnikov-wielding extremists sat around in a cave and cooked up how to circumvent the military-industrial complex to hijack four planes and career them into some of the most important buildings on the planet. They were likely very bright plotters but, nonetheless, Lindauer takes issue with the story, reiterating that the CIA were far from asleep.

She says that the jihadist plan was true, as well as evidently successful, but should have been derailed, given the American intelligence to hand.

The problem was, Lindauer says, there were green lights all the way. “They got a lot of help,” she says and then, slowly and deliberately, repeats the sentence.

“Mohamed Atta [hijacking pilot] was an asset trained by the United States government,” explains Lindauer, saying that she believes he “was being used [by top US officials] to guide the conspiracy”.

“There is no way that [Atta] could have functioned without [the CIA] knowing everything. [...] No way [Atta] could have hidden. [...] It’s impossible. Impossible.”

Attack #2: “We the People”

Planes crashing into buildings seems pretty extreme, one would think. Lindauer believes that the core US establishment wanted a far greater spectacle: iconic buildings falling in America’s showcase city.

The former operative suggests the added motive for this second, treasonous attack came down to the Bush Administration’s distrust that Atta’s group would be able to create enough damage to lead their interests to war and treasure. Bin Laden’s men, after all, could barely even fly according to their American flight instructors. What was really required to smooth a push on Iraq, is the implication, was something truly shocking, something truly awesome: a modern Pearl Harbor to sell the call to duty.

The WTC buildings were blown up, Lindauer concludes, in a controlled demolition using a mix of military-grade thermite and sulphur.

Treason: The Evidence?

Here, innocent hearts and debunkers alike have the real problem. Because there is a swathe of damning evidence to support Lindauer’s claims, both that US officials assisted the terrorists and that they compounded the terror. This is not a matter of conspiracy theories, but an issue of hard-nosed facts and unbiased expert opinion.

Without detailing every last concern which would take many months to achieve, one jumbo-sized mix of bewildering facts, for example, is recorded – on public record – solely concerning the unrealistically inept response from air traffic control in conjunction with core US defence NORAD (North American Aerospace Defense Command). This catalogue of errors on the morning of 9/11 led one senior British MP and former Cabinet minister Michael Meacher to remark,

“This is America, the most advanced military technologically capable country in the world, and it is just impossible to believe that they could have been that incompetent.”

Let’s change the angle to confront Lindauer’s thermite claim, this time considering another straw from this bale of hay: Building 7. As an aside here, you may ask yourself, have you even heard of it and if not, why not?

The Twin Towers weren’t the only buildings to fall in New York. The most remarkable of the assortment of total or partial collapses was 7 World Trade Center, also know as Building 7. What was fascinating about Building 7 was the way it fell or, more to the point and as with the Towers, that it fell at all.

On the day, you or I and shock aside, were impressed by the destructive properties of aviation fuel. The world across, meanwhile, there was a more deepset worry from members of the architectural, engineering and demolition communities who knew better. Never had a steel-framed building collapsed due to fire damage, which Building 7 apparently endured having been hit by debris from the failing of the North Tower. On the morning of September 11th, though, three steel-framed buildings fell. Building 7′s 47-story, 600 feet fall took 8 seconds and reached up to the speed of free-fall acceleration, which is technically impossible without the use of explosives.

…The 9/11 Commission Report, running at 585 pages long, mentions Building 7 precisely zero times. Indeed, it omits most evidence including swathes of first hand witness' testimony.

Mainstream media coverage has done little better although, as a side note, it was extraordinary that both CNN and the BBC announced the collapse of this building before it fell. Assuming they don’t share notes one might ask, who told them and why? On a related note, news crews at the scene did manage to record perhaps the most surreal sounds of the day, those of WTC owner (and subsequent insurance jackpot winner) Larry Silverstein telling a worker to “Just pull it”, demolition jargon for detonate. Within minutes there were shouted warnings to bystanders as a demolition countdown could be clearly heard in the ambiance of the background.

The media may not be interested in chasing this story but 1672 architects and engineers certainly are, having set up ae911truth.org in 2007 to push for answers, a website that remains highly active to this day. These professionals make some disturbing points about the falls of the Towers, and about that of Building 7,

“The overall building mass falls uniformly through what was the path of greatest resistance. This requires a precisely timed, patterned removal of critical columns.”

In other words, say these experts, such a textbook collapse where the building falls symmetrically into its footprint needs a controlled demolition. For a steel-framed building, that would involve a thermite compound.

Although barely covered by the mainstream media, you may have seen, online, those “wacky” and “paranoid” reports from scientists saying they did find traces of thermite in the ashes of the WTC. Or the many quotes from onlookers and first responders – many of whom have since died from cancer due to dust inhalation – saying they heard pre-collapse explosions in the basement or upper floors of the WTC, which otherwise can also be heard on various 9/11 video footage. Or maybe the sharp-eyed saw tiny puffs of smoke emanating from the Towers just before they pancaked? Then there are those pictures of the precisely angled, clean-shorn steels in the WTC wreckage, evidence of a building having been properly prepped for demolition.

In any case, engineers exclaim, it would have boosted construction know-how to investigate why, for the first time, steel-framed structures had failed ‘due to fire’. One would think so. More to the point, one would surely think that the greatest crime scene of recent times ought to have undergone a comprehensive examination, but this was not the case. Instead, Mayor Giuliani personally oversaw an immediate clean-up operation that saw the vast majority of the 185,101 residue steel tonnage removed within the month. Of the steel, incidentally, most was sold and shipped to foreign countries at knock-down prices rather than commanding a higher return from local mills. 150 steel beams were selected and retained as evidence for the official enquiry.

Maybe the idea of forensic analysis is flawed? Rebutting the wishes of victim's families for the steel to be examined, one engineering major, New York’s Mayor Michael Bloomberg, said this,

“If you want to take a look at the construction methods and the design, that’s in this day and age what computers do. Just looking at a piece of metal generally doesn’t tell you anything.”

In terms of evidence of a possible false flag action the above merely tips the iceberg. Perhaps there are innocent explanations but, with a shrugging mass media voice box that seems more interested in humiliating characters like Lindauer than in debating her outrageous yet authoritative claims, any truly complicit individuals must be happy in the knowledge that it is not in the character of the average Joe to distrust his leader with his life. That though, as we can see on many a pepper-sprayed street, is fast-changing.

9/11: “Or you’re with the terrorists”

While most of us pulled together to accept the Bush Administration’s “crusade” on terror, Lindauer had other plans.

She says she petitioned prominent US officials such as Senator John McCain with her story but, rather than listen, the next she knew she was labelled a suspected terrorist and arrested under the newly rushed-through Patriot Act.

“I was locked up in prison on a military base for a year and held under indictment for 5 years”, she laments, adding that of her five years in detention, she was granted merely one morning of testimony and that even her old CIA boss, Dr Richard Fuisz, who could have had her freed at the drop of a hat, refused to discuss the matter with her lawyers.

Instead, she was ordered to see a psychiatrist who reported, over a one year period, that she was entirely sane. Media outlets such as the New York Times, meanwhile, far from reporting her claims, wrote about her 'religious fanaticism' in what can only be described as a clear-cut case of character assassination.
“The corporate media refused to cover my story.” Why?

She claims the US government wanted to shut her up but, perhaps, it was just too big a risk to cull a former CIA asset. Instead, Lindauer goes on, “[the government] petitioned the court on the Patriot Act to detain me up to 10 years in prison with no trial and no hearing.”

“The government was so threatened [...] – there’s a history of this, you can confirm this – they wanted to forcibly drug me with Haldol, Ativan and Prozac, which would have chemically lobotomized me.”

When eventually she was given her day in court, two things saved her, a good friend and the internet. It seems that the judge presiding over her case had not been graced with the psychiatric reports into her state of mind. A good friend of Lindauer was, in any case, taking no chances about the judicial knowledge, petitioning the judge and lawyers with links to copies of those reports that, by now, were posted online. On what must have been a surreal and terrifying day for this woman, she says that one minute the US prosecutor was trying to bully her into silencing her friend and, the next minute, the judge chose to admit the evidence and threw out the case.

It is important to point out here that, with the US Senate’s most recently passed NDAA legislation which President Obama has endorsed, the US president can now elect to detain a US citizen giving no reason, no hearing, no trial, not even a single phone call to a lawyer or friend. They can simply throw away the key, along with the truth. “We Are Change!”

The Epilogue: To Date

Lindauer tells us that, just prior to 9/11, the FBI’s Robert Mueller was pocketed by Bush to oversee the bureau. She alleges that he was just the man for the job, having built a reputation on “throwing” cases such as the Lockerbie investigation and another high-profile conspiracy event, this time under Clinton’s watch, the Oklahoma City Bombing.

Meanwhile, Lindauer says, her FBI handler, Fuisz, retired soon after 9/11, taking a $13,000,000 tax-free bung from tax-payer funds that were officially earmarked for Iraq.

Otherwise, we know that, accumulatively, 3204 innocent lives were lost on 9/11, including 411 first responders and at least 200 who felt compelled to jump to their deaths. It’s less easy to say how many have died as a result of the 9/11 dust cloud which hung around for a full five months. This phenomenon alone deserves a special mention, with thanks to Wikipedia (edited for brevity),

“The dust was wildly toxic according to air pollution expert and University of California Davis Professor Emeritus Thomas Cahill. The debris consisted of more than 2,500 contaminants, more specifically: 50% non-fibrous material and construction debris; 40% glass and other fibers; 9.2% cellulose; and 0.8% of the extremely toxic carcinogen asbestos, as well as lead and mercury.

“There were unprecedented levels of dioxin and PAHs from the fires which burned for three months. Many of the dispersed substances (asbestos, crystalline silica, lead, cadmium, polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons) are carcinogenic; other substances can trigger kidney, heart, liver and nervous system deterioration.

“This was well known by the EPA at the time of collapse.”

Asbestos, incidentally, had been used in the construction of the WTC for fire-proofing but latterly, with the better-known toxicity of the substance, there was a requirement for its removal. It is estimated that this procedure would have cost a sum equal to the value of the property.

We know maybe half of how many died in Iraq, amidst bloodbaths such as at Fallujah. We know that the war was a scam, that the Iraqi leadership now is already corrupted and broken. Was it ever not?

We know what happened to Saddam. And perhaps we smiled at a dictator deposed.

We know that John McCain beat Mayor Giuliani, amongst others, to become the Republican presidential nominee, choosing a Saturday Night Live sketch of a running mate and clearly having no clue about how to resurrect Bush’s bust economy.

We know that WTC owner Larry Silverstein pocketed $4.55 billion from his insurance claims as a result of the demise of his property, and continues to claim for more. He never had to undergo the costly extraction of asbestos from the buildings.

We know that Mayor Rudy Giuliani certainly smiles a lot. We also know that on the dreadful day, after the Towers had fallen, he turned to Police Commissioner Bernard Kerik and gushed, "Bernie, thank God George Bush is our president."

We know that many people went from rich to richer with war, with Cheney particularly buying several heart operations from the many tens of millions of dollars earnt whilst in Office from his directorship at the Iraq-bound energy company, Halliburton.

We know that Tony Blair went on to advise his Queen as a member of the Privy Council and was awarded both the Congressional Gold Medal and the Presidential Medal of Freedom by President Bush, as well as the Liberty Medal. He’s a Middle East peace envoy with a difference, having been found guilty along with Bush in 2011 in a Malaysian War Crimes Tribunal for crimes against peace, crimes against humanity and genocide as well as for fabricating evidence on the run-up to the Iraq war. He is currently awaiting the outcome of the Chilcot Inquiry which has been examining the UK’s role in the war on Iraq.

We know that George ‘Dubya’ Bush ended up with Saddam’s gun which he presumably played with in the Oval Office whilst doubtless hoping Cheney would just put the thing down.

And we know, hopefully, that there are many outstanding questions that must be answered before we or our children can ever feel safe.

As for Ms Lindauer, we know she wrote a book about her experience called "Extreme Prejudice" and that she has said this,

“We are never gonna stop. We are gonna fight to defend this Constitution. You’re never gonna shut me up now.”

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