Ordo ab ruddy chao!

COVID Era Miscarriages Off The Charts

Seeing this daily now, Ivy League epidemiologists for example at last expressing concern into just how menacing has been this global COVID policy, yet continued silence into #suddenDeath etc from the msm, politicians again pushing flu fear, the failed WHO being given dangerous powers of global control and national health services pushing these proven-killer drugs on those of us that would do far better to rely on our nature-given immune systems. (Happened to me last week: "I'm 54, have zero risk, yet you're pushing trials-failed dna-altering drugs with a record of killing and adversely affecting hundreds of thousands if not millions of people onto me?" The nurse's face told me she agreed with me and that she was following a script, her job doubtless at risk... this is how pyramids work, "I was only following orders.")

FTR, there was one pregnancy in my family at this very time. It was complicated and required several weeks in hospital to safeguard mother and unborn child. Mother was fully quaxxed.
Dear people, this flu season, stay "selfish".
(And, absolutely, follow the science.)
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