Ordo ab ruddy chao!

COVID's Job is Done, Next is Chao, Then the #Ordo

Curious to see Piers Morgan now backtracking on his grotesque prejudice - video first comment - twatted out to those bright enough, else not sufficiently coerced, to have refused the quax.

"The science has changed," he defends. Garbage, as highlighted yet again just yesterday in the EU Parliament where Pfizer admitted there had been no tests to confirm whether their DNA-altering human experiment would prevent viral transmission. In other words, "Save Granny" was emotive bullshit, not least parroted by a politicised Queen, as well as the entirety of her establishment.

But globalist actors aside, it seems to this guy sat over here, Moron's U-turn betrays something more alarming...

These psychos no longer need their COVID hysterics. The deal is done, the economy is wrecked, this world will change now and super-fast and super-suddenly and their #GreatReset waits in the wings, the ordo out of chao, the commie-UBI saviour to bandage your debt when you think you might lose it all... and to enslave us all, utterly, in the process.

We don't have until 2030 to wake up and refuse to comply, I wonder if we have even a year.

Moron then...

Piers Morgan COVID anti-choice prejudice

Piers Morgan COVID anti-choice prejudice

Moron now...

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