Ordo ab ruddy chao!

#Epstein: Maxwell Served But Truth Denied

A black book's worth of presidents, prime ministers, sheiks, royalty, celebrities, industrialists, scholars, scientists, 'philanthropists', tech gurus etc are breathing a collective sign of relief right now that they appear to have gotten away with their sex trafficking association without so much as to be questioned about what happened, were they blackmailed and, if so, PRECISELY FOR WHAT?

In fairness, not everyone in that black book was necessarily anything other than entirely innocent, some may never even have known VIP collector Mr Epstein, while many others were perhaps ensnared in a honeypot through devious scheming. We will now never quite know what was what about who and who, albeit some ongoing associations were brazenly dubious.

Most shameful about this episode, the trafficking and abuse aside, we will never know why Epstein had all those cameras, all that security kit, and for what if any motive he appears to have been running a blackmail ring.


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Pauline Davies

We couldn't really expect any other outcome. Welcome back DC 👏

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