Ordo ab ruddy chao!

GENDER PRONOUNS: Just More Globalist Claptrap, Personified

I don't pretend fully to understand a lot, a shedload of questions, good intuition I hope, I know the sum logic of 2+2 and that it does not equate to 5 however many 'experts' say otherwise, it's pretty obvious to me when people are being disingenuous, often by what they omit to say... but really that's about it.
But I do understand the practice of our rich English language (if not the theory, snoozed off there). The danger of its perversion for cynical politics is very clear to me, where rather than expand vocabulary, as artistic linguists have properly and usefully done for millennia, some bunch of a$$wipes hijacks words, redefining them, deliberately wrong-footing the lingo's native use, tongue-tying society. There is no positive, progressive reason for such, #ever: to move the lampposts on language is akin to cultural vandalism, to book-burning (as is 'fact-checking', as an aside, which by the way they never had to do until, somewhat freed of the establishment's propagandist yoke, truth-seekers started having a real chat.)
This pronoun nonsense is just the latest example, perhaps the biggest load of old humbug ever to afflict not only our spectacular vernacular but, from that, to damage and further debase Anglo-Saxon-based society.
And, tapping this out from my home from home here in Spain, the land of Cervantes, of Lorca, of still-uncrushed, biting satire and where, for just one of so many many examples, in Andalucia it is a term of endearment to call your female friend "chocha" (slang for pussy) or a male friend "pisha" (cock, and yes the etymology leads to "piss"), where there has not been the dedicated push to knock the stuffing out of this, another glorious culture, where one would not be perturbed, more likely delighted or simply disinterested, to hear such language from monarch or barista alike, where in a traditionally devout enclave of Catholicism the common language, a language richly exercised, as is English, largely by way of colloquialisms, talks about doing things to the Madre Maria that this bloke here would not dream of translating... from here, a culture intact, to survey the bombardment on the British identity, of my identity howsoever self-exiled, is shocking: the Spanish DO SPANISH; the Brits and US Americans, increasingly, DO WOKE, a grotesque embarrassment adding nothing but stealing aplenty. The reasons for this disparity, from my research, are beyond the scope of this note but, bottom line, it has been deemed that Protestant protestation is a threat to some and must be culled. KNOW THAT, consider it, REFUSE IT.
I read some story in the Daily Mail yesterday, a crummy, typically shallow "who the hell cares" news story from a newspaper more correctly described as a lowest common denominator shag rag. Just another Hollyweirdo going around smacking people about, a certain Ezra Who-Cares, a studio darling who unsurprisingly is a degenerate, purportedly a Satanist, a thoroughly nasty piece of this increasingly pitiful human race which has such stunning potential yet which discards that like leaves in the Autumn wind. Of course... he's a star!
...Except this me-me-moron isn't a 'he', according to the Fail, he's not even merely deluded as to be a 'she', it (and maybe 'it' - rhymes with shit-for-brains - is a fair description) goes by the 'gender pronouns' 'they/them'.
This is not to besmirch those who genuinely are not able to accept themselves for what they are. They are one matter I leave to science yet each for whom I wish happiness, the many seeking attention in this shout-shout world and encouraged into self-delusion are quite another matter again. They need saving, and we all need them to be saved.
'They/them': what on earth is that? What the deuce does that mean, unless to say, I'm schizophrenic, bipolar, splitzo, who'd ya wanna talk to today? But each to his own, he's on the gravy train, lapping up the kids who, as ever we did, want to break away from the norm, to sock it to Mum and Dad, who just want to be 'cool', that childish thing we tend to do until, years later, we just thank God we grew up (and became at least relatively conservative).
Aside from the fact, by numerous accounts and restraining orders, that this chump Ezra Miller is an untempered thug who, by the sounds of it, needs taking out of circulation, it's not him I blame. He does have a fundamental right, in my opinion anyhow, to call himself anything he likes; and just as I have a fundamental right, in my opinion, to call him a narcissistic little prick, and there ain't any amount of 'fact-checking' that will stop me exerting that tenet of humanity, of expressing an opinion (nor of fighting for his right, equally, to such.)
No, I don't blame Ezra, he's just an actor, just another pretty face to front social politics, but I do blame the media for having sold its collective soul in complying to create this fakery, for perpetuating a lexicon of lies. Daily Mail's piece was barely readable, full of [they]s and [them]s when the prose should have read "he" and possibly "complete twatfest that he is". It's the English comprehension equivalent of what similar hooligans have already done for example to mathematics, not easing the subject's technical usage but, again deliberately, making it so daunting that pupils now leave school without the fundamental knowledge of how to tally a column, of how to work a budget.
It's not just about dumbing down, this is a mental health issue, this pronoun crap, as the media's controllers well know. As with the tr-a-n5 matter (a sibling topic we can't question without some brainfart losing his toys), by pandering to the whims of innocent semi-formed humans who haven't the capacity to realise that they are being played, that their very ignorance is being used against them, and us, while they - some of them, too many of them - themselves feel empowered, empowered enough to lop off their flesh, to deface their uniquely beautiful God-given identity, only later most likely sorely to regret it, to become mentally scarred by it, and therefrom to damage our communities and ultimately our very race... by pandering to that, BY PREYING ON THAT, by grooming that, the media is doing untold harm.
So, to all the wokesters, I say this. You can invent new words all you like, you can show your creativity, and I hope you do, right there is a facet of the extraordinary scope of language, its magic white (I am pink, by the way) and not black (Africans are brown, by the way), ask any writer, ask any lyricist. But to hijack an existing tongue, not least while pissing all over the science, you need not expect me to comply. I see that elite game for what it is - DIVIDE-RULE, confusion, distraction, obfuscation, conflation - and it is quite evil, and no amount of subliminal or outright bullying from dehumanising shitholes like Facebook or the post-truth media will change that.
(¡Coño, tio! ¡Me cago en la leche!)
And breathe.
#endsRANT #30daysRightThere!
Olly / dailychaos.news
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