Ordo ab ruddy chao!

Hope for the best but prepare for the worst

When are decent people going to realise that, on this trajectory, they cannot vote their way out of the UN-WEF's encroaching totalitarianism?

Vote for the likes of 'WarpSpeed' Trump by all means (although arguably you are condoning a corrupted political system where even once-decent politicians are routinely bought-bribed-blackmailed into globalist compliance) but at least admit the history that shrieks your vote is ignored. (I'd vote for Trump, FTR. I'm also desperate to see positive change, FTR! I expect Trump is just another Club actor, FTR, hence all his toxic admin appointees.)

But where's the backup plan? Where is the preparing for the worst?

If we are to stand any chance of creating awareness and refusing ever-greater slavery to a relatively tiny few self-styled 'elites' who in reality are just a bunch of opportunist fascist psychopaths then we need to take direct action complete with support lines to feed a long term campaign. We need a war footing, a long term strategy using peaceful means: we need to picket media organisations, demanding the truth; we need to picket court houses, demanding justice; we need to picket politicians at their homes and workplaces, demanding representation. And we need to accept that some daily gathering is a waste of time, that we need to protest day-in day-out on multiple fronts until we turn the tide and corrupted officials are publicly hanged for their treason, the deterrent made clear.

Ultimately we need to trigger General Strikes all over the Western world, to bring these corrupted systems to heel or, failing that, crashing down.

...The cost of such is tiny compared to the cost of this continued apathy.

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