Ordo ab ruddy chao!

INFO WAR: Fighting Conditioning with Facts-Based Debate

Anon (Spanish friend sold on official narrative, dons Ukrainian flag, fully quaxxed, former economics journalist, good bloke nonetheless): "What are your tools to be able to distinguish what is propaganda, what is truth and what is real journalism? Why are you so sure that your sources are the best or that your intelligence is the real deal and not others?"

Why make this personal? We're in the same boat, and it's sinking. But to answer you...

A brain, with some decades' experience studying geopolitics and 'journalism'.

My sources are those intent on global totalitarianism, essentially the UN and the WEF. You think they're lying?

It's a pretty hard sell telling people they will endure China-style communism overseen by fascists (although actually they have said such, pretty much as plainly as that). Presumably that is why the msm which they control, along with pharma/food/banking/everything powerful, omits their books and boasts from the news running order, replaced by lies such as we've seen in overdrive over the last 2 years.

Then there is the actuality of what is already in progress, things that for years were branded 'conspiracy theory' being implemented, such as Agenda 2021/2030 (much evidence in rural Spain), the UN Migration Compact (Spain's a signatory yet again the Spanish haven't got a clue about that, about the backstory or what it means), government-agency-banking (happening here now) and the move to cashless (ultimate control), universal basic income roll-outs (legislation again for example in Spain), calls for CCP-style social credit scoring for instance from Biden and Johnson (and I would wager, again, here in Spain), unilateral ie pointless "net zero" bankruptcy-inducing targets, the dehumanisation of the human race not least even with children of the age of 4 being taught how to masturbate (WHO guidelines) and this same age group, incapable of any depth of thought, being taught in school (at least in the UK/US) that they might be of another sex before being butchered while still minors. None of this is liberal, social, conservative, it is non-mandated, autocratic and, crucially, forced through with trace public debate. Oh yeah, and they want us eating bugs, that's not a theory either, and I haven't even mentioned the more sinister elements of what is going on, merely what can be corroborated by official documentation.

...ALL OF THE ABOVE is being prepped, if indeed is not already at an early stage of actuality. ALL OF IT. All of the above can be researched via official documents. This is what they believe "Building Back Better" - a WEF-UN slogan adopted by or forced upon governments around the world - constitutes. These people, in short, are psychotic. The pyramids do the rest.

WEF: "By 2030 you will own nothing and be happy." Their words.

As for the intelligence of others, guess what, that varies. Many many are honest enough to show that they know better than do I. None lay it out, as it is, in the English-speaking news media, none. Elsewhere, there are hundreds to thousands of experts in various relevant fields, some of whom, sure, are not necessarily genuine. Shills abound. So do decent people. But it's ignorance that will enslave us (further).

You trust the COVID narrative, the vax that doesn't work, the hysterical economy-wrecking lockdowns leading to broken production chains and runaway inflation (not to mention the death rate from those untreated with more regular ailments, a mental health crisis and God-only knows how high a suicide rate), the stated reasons for the war in Ukraine and therefrom the energy crisis? Seriously, you trust the official version of the chapter we have just lived through and which will likely resurface in the Fall (that hasn't stopped in places like Germany, NZ, Canada)? Check out VAERS in the US or GreenCard in the UK, the 'vaccine' may be useful to a tiny minority but to prescribe it across the board for what is essentially a flu death rate is despicable and, people not having even known what a DNA-altering mRNA 'vaccine' is, directly contravenes the Nuremberg Code (von der Layen wants to get rid of the NC, one of the most important tenets of international law).

...We'd all do well to have your brain to take some time out to do some research, if you think humanity is worth batting for. I do.

Kind regards XXXXX... please try to be laterally-minded. I wonder if you can. I hope so, not least of all because I could do with my friend back.

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