We have imported terror onto our streets. It's just a fact, however comatose the denier.
The Irish police, more special-interested in thought crime, deceitful pronouns and rainbow-coloured unicorns, disagrees.
It thinks some lunatic running amok stabbing kids is somehow not terrible (while not hesitating to judge the resulting protests a "right wing" response). Only an idiot would think those kids were not terrified and traumatised, at least, and only an idiot would believe that allow-by-default migration is not perilously backward and daily dangerous to society. The number of incidents is conclusive: WEF-puppet governments no longer protect their people, they endanger us as well as those they actively encourage to get into the boats to line up for 'benefits'... all pawns in the pursuit of the divide-rule on steroids that is the Great Reset.
These attacks are not accidents: they are contrived. The chaos is not organic: it is produced. The globalists and those that support them are the ultimate terrorists.
Politicians may as well have stabbed those kids themselves, the result of their 'leadership' is precisely the violence we see.
Seems to me this world needs more no-bullshit McGregors and fewer verbal diarrhea "public servants".
Us regulars - the vast majority that just want to live and let live - would be far better off flushing the entire bloody establishment right down the shithole where it belongs. Bring it on.