Ordo ab ruddy chao!

MSM Finally Admits "Scores of" Quax Deaths

Telegraph: "Side effects and risks must be balanced against medical benefits"

As was the case not just 3 years ago but always and forever, isn't that right Facebook 'fact-checkers'?

"scores of people have either died or been left disabled by brain injuries caused by the vaccine"

That's right, we've known such literally for years while the msm has stood silent about #excessDeaths. The likes of The Telegraph assisted those deaths and adverse effects (as did Facebook's 'fact-checkers': you must be so proud for denying informed consent. I wonder how many died as a result of your Orwellian censorship.)

"People know that there are risks and side effects associated with most medicines"

Really? Bildergraph seems to forget the intense coercion campaign in which they themselves partook. We knew that we'd be cancelled if we queried, that the entire establishment pushed these dodgy drugs, we saw the PM call us 'anti-vax loons' (despite having nigh-on every PROPERLY-TRIALED vaccine under the sun) and that even Queenie was rolled out to tell those who actually were following the science that we were being selfish.

"One lesson to be learnt it is that young, healthy people should not have been forced, through restrictions on their movements, to be vaccinated against a disease that hardly affected them."

No shit Sherlock.

#Nuremberg2 required, full penalty, ta.

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