Ordo ab ruddy chao!

MSM reluctantly headlines #excessDeaths

As Chancellor Sunak destroyed the economy, he was rewarded with the top job in a rigged vote. None of the Cabinet spoke out against what was hysterical pseudo-science, their policies described even in the House as "draconian".

We were placed effectively under house arrest, children's education was permanently scarred and elders died and were buried alone.

Then, like thugs in a drugs gang, they pushed FAILED-TESTED DNA-ALTERING NOVEL drugs - which curiously they had waiting in the wings - onto a public being experimented on, by those so-called experts' Big Pharma pals, as though we are laboratory rats. Those drugs started killing people yet HM Gov continued to push them not only onto those who were vulnerable from what was a nasty damned flu (as stats showed not just now but immediately then as well) but even to the perfectly fit and even onto children, a horrific overstretch of policy with no justification then or now AND WHY? There was trace-to-no discussion about healthy diet, sensible anti-flu measures were ridiculed if discussed at all, the coercion was so intense they threatened (and deleted) our jobs and liberty and even rolled out the Queen to tell us we were selfish if we didn't get quaxxed, outlets like this shithole Facebook banned all debate contrary to the official narrative (care of their Pfizer-sponsored ex-CNN 'fact-checkers'), OfCom threatened journalists who dared to ask questions (which was no excuse for not asking life-or-death questions) and the Prime Minister called those of us who demanded to see the missing label that we were dangerous lunatics and, despite us brimming with all other vaccines, that we were conspiracy theorists and anti-vaxxers, a downright lie again designed to intimidate and coerce.

Most important, HM Gov (and its puppet msm and these 'social' networks) broke what perhaps is the most important international law we have, the Nuremberg Code, day-in day-out ignoring and denying that most important staple of personal bodily sovereignty, "informed consent". Extraordinarily, EU President von der Leyen even suggested that the Nuremberg Code should be scrapped. Morons like Reform's Tice meanwhile called for mandated vaccinations, again failing to mention the Code (and you would consider voting for a bought drug-peddling stooge like him? If so, how thoroughly stupid you are.)

No surprise, then, that many of us wondered - and wonder - if what we were seeing wasn't an act of democide. At best it was an act of mass manslaughter as well as a needless wrecking ball to the economy, trashing countless lives in the process.

Now, here we are, three to four years later, and finally the globalist mouthpiece the mainstream media utters the words "excess deaths" like the sheepish child caught by the parent in a bare-faced lie. Each and every day we see the 'news' media trying to rewrite history, dampening the damage done, trying to pretend that the globalist club THAT ACTED AS A WHOLE - and most unjustifiably and with gross intimidation on a vast scale, where neighbour was encouraged to shame neighbour, where families were broken apart through fear-mongering and with the use of gut-wrenchingly cynical divide-rule tactics - should somehow be just given a pass, that we should move on, and even that we should be so naive an electorate with such little self-respect as yet again to vote for these perhaps psychopathic and certainly career-driven ie bought individuals at the forthcoming General Election.


The tyranny has been dealt. It has been exposed. Now there must be Nuremberg trials and for those found guilty of breaking that Code and leading others (such as the entirety of the NHS, ruining it by the way) into breaking that Code the harshest punishment must be met.

THERE MUST BE A DETERRENT. If there is none then expect the same again, and deserve it.

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