Ordo ab ruddy chao!

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Daily Chaos requests interviews to expose this
#scamdemic > #GreatReset.

  • Medic, carer, teacher, police, army, veteran, journalist?
  • Concerned parent, researched citizen, stakeholder in society?
  • Or you want to make the case 'everything's just fine'?

Let's create the debate the mainstream media denies.


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A few bullet points....

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And we all need some humour these days so funny content is just as welcome as the red pill stuff.

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You'll be credited unless you prefer anonymity.

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    Share an online service, anything from a decent news site or video channel to research tools such as for data collation... or maybe something funny to give us a laugh.

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    Groups or organisations worth knowing about.

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    Please let me know and I'll try to make the Daily Chaos site and show as proactive as possible.

    You can use the contact Olly widget at the bottom of this page to get in touch using Skype, Telegram, WhatsApp and via email.

    Or just click here to send your suggestion or feedback.

    Thank you for your involvement.


    Olly Connelly
    Producer, Daily Chaos

    DISCLOSURE: As of 15th November 2021 Daily Chaos has raised:-

    • €25 in the last 30 days
    • €335, all time

    This widget is updated monthly.