Ordo ab ruddy chao!

"The Queen is dead, long live the King!"

The problem with a monarch's death is that it so easily shields the concerns with a monarch's coronation.

I wonder how many of King Charles' subjects, in the UK and around the Commonwealth, realise he is committed - a devotee, no less - to the UN-WEF's #GreatReset that says:-

"By 2030 you will own nothing and be happy."

This is not some 'theory', it is a fact. The MSM, as with WEF-boy Biden's election, is complicit in covering up this unsavoury truth.

Time to wake up, people, unless you fancy China-style totalitarianism.


Anon: "It’s very concerning God knows how it will pan out."

It will pan out like this: globally almost certainly, we will be living under China-style communism within a very few years now, lorded over by fascists.

We will have all our assets stripped through coercion, cost and tax; we will be chipped and cashless ie we will have no freedom; we will not be allowed to travel without permission beyond our designated zones which for most, such is Agenda 2030, will mean living in urban ghettos; those who will succeed, relatively, as with the Nazi concentration camps, will be snitches, the lowest scum of the population who will survive by bullying, yet they too will live like the total slaves we will be.

This is the Hunger Games. And the Capitol, as in the Hunger Games, will be similarly perverse, ivory-towered and aloof.

That is what will happen because in the AI-robotic age what Kissinger described as the "useless eaters" are simply no longer required; and more to the point because this world is run by psychopaths who care not a jot for the plebs or even much for each other.


People will wake up and revolt en masse. This scenario is less likely because, sadly, people are generally not terribly bright. Think German Jews late 1930's.

I wish humanity well, here in this realm, this is one helluva test.

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