Ordo ab ruddy chao!

Trump Running for POTUS in '24

Personally, I don't care who runs Stateside in 2024, I just hope they are True and that their campaigns are sufficiently enlightening to expose just how demented is this wrecking crew that is the Biden regime, rendering the remainder of this Administration, and that of all globalist-infiltrated governments, cowed and depowered, their puppet media pressured into a more genuine non-partisan holding of power to account.

Hoping to hear some strong soapbox views now - not skirting the issues, there's been too much of that, but smacking them head-on - re. the #GreatReset, re. the #scamdemic and the need for a #Nuremberg2, re. ending the partisan UN and their fascist WHO division, re. neutering the WEF, re. exposing the climate fraud, re. cutting the CCP right down to size the evil bastards they are in that dictatorship, re. working with Russia and not using Ukraine as a means to create yet another profit-driven, population-culling war.

Clearly the Dems and RINOs want chaos, the mad fucks. I wonder how much about the above, as well as about common decency ie shed the woke crap, we will actually hear from Trump or DeSantis.

So far, it's been far from enough. The rhetoric has been tepid, relative to reality.

I want to believe in President Trump. It is way beyond time to stop pulling punches, to set out the stark reality of the State of the Nation, and that of this extraordinary, wonderful world.

God bless the USA. If you fall, we all fall. Please be True.

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