Ordo ab ruddy chao!

UK: 1Million Migrants in 1 Year!

I don't know the stat but we know it is massive. * Completely out of control, the product of malfeasant governments led by globalist traitors... the kind of people that deliver Brino and call it Brexit, that break treaties then blame Putin, that shoe-horn a geriatric swamp creature then faint wonder as to why his Presidency is so shite, that push trials-failed drugs on entire populations based on phony tests and Pharma-owned 'experts'.

Psychopaths (cabal), puppets (politicians) and jobsworths (msm), that's essentially how the pyramid works, and unfortunately it works very effectively which is why you and I are enslaved in this unholy system of mass control.

Count Coudenhove-Kalergi was a founder of what has become the EU. It was his stated mission to emasculate European cultures through swamp immigration, mashing both culture and genetics into homogenised soups. So much for 'diversity', huh. That particular plutocrat is far from forgotten too. Former EU President Jean-Claude Juncker for example claims the Count as his personal political role model.

Divide and conquer. Nothing new, just on steroids these days. No question humankind has reached a crossroads: freedom or totalitarianism.

The gated-community globalists don't give a damn about migrants any more than they do about the locals. Pawns, both. People need to realise this and target the root cause, not fiddle with the symptoms, if ever we are to realise our human potential.

* Officially it's an influx of 968,000 non-EU (ie practically all illegal) migrants. About 200,000 non-EU migrants left and who can blame them? So an annual net total of three quarters of a million non-EU people were added to the tinderbox.

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