Ordo ab ruddy chao!

Daily Chaos requests interviews to expose this
#scamdemic > #GreatReset.

  • Medic, carer, teacher, police, army, veteran, journalist?
  • Concerned parent, researched citizen, stakeholder in society?
  • Or you want to make the case 'everything's just fine'?

Let's create the debate the mainstream media denies.

suggest a guest

Hope for the best but prepare for the worst

Hope for the best but prepare for the worst
When are decent people going to realise that, on this trajectory, they cannot vote their way out of the UN-WEF's encroaching totalitarianism? Vote for the likes of 'WarpSpeed' Trump by all means (although arguably you are condoning a corrupted political system where even once-decent politicians are routinely bought-bribed-blackmailed into globalist compliance) but at least admit […]
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Rebuilding Daily Chaos...

Rebuilding Daily Chaos...
I built this site using a platform called WordPress, plus a bunch of custom code. Thing is, WordPress has become too bulky, slow to load, and breaks regularly such are the many-many code updates. The end result of that is that I've not been enthused to use the site, negating its purpose entirely. So, hey, I'm rebuilding the thing using a more slimline framework called Modx which I've used before for various projects. I should have built DC with Modx in the first place, silly me. Anyhow, please bear with, best to you and I'll try to be quick.
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No shit Sherlock!