Ordo ab ruddy chao!

Daily Chaos requests interviews to expose this
#scamdemic > #GreatReset.

  • Medic, carer, teacher, police, army, veteran, journalist?
  • Concerned parent, researched citizen, stakeholder in society?
  • Or you want to make the case 'everything's just fine'?

Let's create the debate the mainstream media denies.

suggest a guest

Trump Running for POTUS in '24

Trump Running for POTUS in '24
Personally, I don't care who runs Stateside in 2024, I just hope they are True and that their campaigns are sufficiently enlightening to expose just how demented is this wrecking crew that is the Biden regime, rendering the remainder of this Administration, and that of all globalist-infiltrated governments, cowed and depowered, their puppet media pressured […]
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COVID's Job is Done, Next is Chao, Then the #Ordo

COVID's Job is Done, Next is Chao, Then the #Ordo
These psychos no longer need their COVID hysterics. The deal is done, the economy is wrecked, this world will change now and super-fast and super-suddenly and their #GreatReset waits in the wings, the ordo out of chao, the commie-UBI saviour to bandage your debt when you think you might lose it all... and to enslave us all, utterly, in the process.
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No shit Sherlock!