Confronted with the prospect of starvation, or even just of poverty, people will fall into line for the Universal Basic Income and, at that stage, our liberty is lost, our slavery total.
Confronted with the prospect of starvation, or even just of poverty, people will fall into line for the Universal Basic Income and, at that stage, our liberty is lost, our slavery total.
I wonder how many of King Charles' subjects, in the UK and around the Commonwealth, realise he is committed - a devotee, no less - to the UN-WEF's #GreatReset that says:-
"By 2030 you will own nothing and be happy."
"What are your tools to be able to distinguish what is propaganda, what is truth and what is real journalism? Why are you so sure that your sources are the best or that your intelligence is the real deal and not others?"
Questions (in no particular order) a non-fake msm would ask Tory candidates... imagine if they did, imagine how strong our democracy could be...
This pronoun nonsense is just the latest example, perhaps the biggest load of old humbug ever to afflict not only our spectacular vernacular but, from that, to damage and further debase Anglo-Saxon-based society.
Getting so bored of the campaign - doubtless Bilderberg-led - to pervert reality, steal innocence and destroy families.
With a very few exceptions, perhaps, if you cannot accept what you are for what you are, you need mental help or, more likely, to be ignored until you grow up.
HOW MUCH HAS / IS OUR WORLD BEEN INFLUENCED DUE TO THE LIKES OF JEFFREY EPSTEIN OR HIS UK COUNTERPART JIMMY SAVILE? And who else continues to operate in similar fashion for similar means?
Quite aside from the Roe verdict, SCOTUS Justice Clarence Thomas - who was always inspirational - is a hero for exposing the hard left myth that whites and blacks are somehow divided by default.
A black book's worth of presidents, prime ministers, sheiks, royalty, celebrities, industrialists, scholars, scientists, 'philanthropists', tech gurus etc are breathing a collective sign of relief right now that they appear to have gotten away with their sex trafficking association without so much as to be questioned about what happened, were they blackmailed and, if so, PRECISELY FOR WHAT?